Coming up in 2020!
Hey everyone!. It is my privilege to share a special announcement with you about something which could shape our church for years to come. No, it isn't about potential expansion, though that is an important subject. Instead, it's about something much closer to my heart as Calvary Monterey's pastor.
Paul told Timothy, a pastor: "Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching.” (1 Timothy 4:13, ESV).
This verse has always carried great significance to me. I think it says a pastor's duty is to read, explain, and exhort from the Bible. We are to teach and preach the Old and New Testaments. We are to feed the flock of God.
Why? Because we do not live by bread alone, but by every Word which proceeds from the mouth of God. God knows we need the Word!
I also believe we live in times where the Bible is especially important. We must know the Word, for many counterfeits abound. These are exciting times, and the Spirit is moving all around us, but we need the Scripture.
Therefore, in thinking about how to deliver more Word to the believers in our care, our pastoral team feels led to launch a regular Tuesday Night Church service, starting mid-January. There, various pastors will focus on explaining Scripture throughout the year.