Our desire is that through their relationships with the Lord and each other, the men of our church can know how to love God, grow in Him, and share Him with those around them. The ministry opportunities for the men in our congregation are both event-based and discipleship-oriented, partnering with the Life Groups ministry to serve the adult men in our church. In addition to coordinating a variety of men’s Life Groups, we also encourage involvement in Growth Groups and host our annual Men's Conference. The men of our church can be further equipped through pastoral counseling, as well.
spiritual care & direction
We seek to provide guidance and support for men & women through complimentary spiritual care & direction sessions.
Men's Life Groups and Growth Groups
An extremely valuable part of Christian development is to be in fellowship with other like-minded believers. Our main avenues, beyond Sunday services, are Men’s Life Groups and Growth Groups. We would love to see you become increasingly involved in the Body of Christ and our Church, by joining one! Please contact lifegroups@calvary.com with any questions.
Men’s Ministry Teachings