
Life Group Spring ‘25 Quarter has begun!

Life Groups are one of the best ways to jump into our church community at Calvary Monterey, and we want everyone to join one!

These groups meet weekly with the intent of following Christ together through sermon-based discussion, prayer, and fellowship. They are designed for approximately 10-14 people who call Calvary Monterey their church home. If you can't find an open group, please let us know by filling out the interest form or joining the "Can't Find the Perfect Fit?" Group! If you do not regularly attend Calvary Monterey but are looking for community, we would still love to connect with you: please reach out to us at lifegroups@calvary.com.

  • Our Life Groups are small groups that meet with the intent of following Christ together through sermon-based discussion, prayer, and fellowship. We would love to see everyone in our church family belong to a Life Group! If you are not in a Life Group and would like to get into one, we would love to help you get connected.

  • Life Groups are small groups that meet to discuss the sermon and Scripture from Sunday, and spend time praying and fellowshipping together. Discussion questions based on the sermon and Scripture from Sunday are emailed out to all group members at the beginning of each week.

  • Life Groups are for those who call Calvary their church home and regularly attend. Members are encouraged to think through the questions beforehand in order to come prepared for discussion. Groups meet weekly for a total of 12 weeks. Groups are led and hosted by people selected and trained by our Calvary pastors.

  • Groups meet on various days at different times and locations, mostly in homes across Monterey county. There are varieties of groups to choose from composed of couples, singles, all men or all women, or a mix of couples and singles They generally contain 8-12 people for a singles group and 12-16 for a couples or mixed group.


Member Resources

We are so glad you've jumped into Christian community through Life Groups ministry at Calvary Monterey. We are confident that God will use this season in your life to help you grow in your faith. Your understanding of God, His church and your identity in Christ will expand as you engage in meaningful Christian relationships.

Spring 2025 Calendar

February 23rd - March 1st
Launch Week

Tuesday, April 8th
Mid Quarter Life Group Begins

May 11th-17th
Closing Week

Digital Resources

Join Our Life Group Ministry

  • As our church grows, we are continuously praying for God to raise up men and women to serve in our Life Groups Ministry. There are a variety of ways that you can serve! Here are a few ideas:

    • Support your Life Group Leader/Host with current needs

    • Help provide childcare for onsite Life Groups & Life Groups events

    • Join the Leadership Life Group

    • Take on a Leader, Host or Coach position

    If you have questions about any of these opportunities, please reach out to our Life Groups team (lifegroups@calvary.com, 831-649-1158 x1101). You can also check out the information below about formal positions and applications to serve.

  • God gives people as gifts to His church, calling and equipping leaders for good works of service. Life Group Leaders have an essential role in our Calvary Monterey community by facilitating weekly group meetings and helping everyone discover ways they can grow closer to God and to each other throughout the week. Leaders help the group to make meaningful connections with each other and with the Lord. They also encourage us to grow in spiritual maturity and to support one another in our faith.

  • Life Group Coaches support our Life Group leaders and hosts, who in turn support our Life Group members: this is a meaningful responsibility! Our vision for the coaching team is for us to collectively and individually support the vision of the Life Groups Ministry: to follow Christ together through connection, support and growth with one another. Therefore, our mission is focused on the work that facilitates the development of our leader teams for the glory of Christ and the maturation of the Life Groups Ministry at Calvary Monterey.

    If you believe the Lord is moving you to inquire about leadership in the Life Groups ministry, please reach out to the Life Groups Team (lifegroups@calvary.com) to begin the conversation! You can also learn more by reviewing the resources available to Life Group Coaches.

How Can We Help?

What would you like to know about:

If there is something else you need help with, you can text your question to 831-217-7999.Or email info@calvary.com