
Welcome to Calvary!

We are holding onsite services on Sunday mornings at 9:00am & 11:00am.

We provide complimentary breakfast treats on the patio, along with coffee and tea stations on the patio. We hope you will stick around after services to enjoy these treats and fellowship with your church family.

What To Expect When You Visit

We're excited you're thinking of visiting Calvary! Calvary is a casual and informal church, so come as you are.

Our heart is to accommodate as many people as possible to worship in both indoor and outdoor venues. We will host onsite worship services indoors at 9am and 11am in the Main Sanctuary. Live stream is available in the Multipurpose Room, Family Room, and outside on the patio and online on YouTube and calvary.com/live. We also have a nursing mom's room that offers privacy to mom & baby while overlooking our main sanctuary.

Sunday Services

Sunday services are the time we gather together to worship God and study His Word. These times are the centerpiece of what we do at Calvary.

Our services are about 60-70 minutes. They include modern music from our worship team, prayer, and Bible teaching. We follow a verse-by-verse teaching style through books of the Bible and teachings are around 40 minutes.

We don’t have a formal membership. If someone is regularly attending, involved in a Life Group, serving, and giving, we consider them a part of our church family.

Connect With Us

We’d love to help you get connected and answer any questions you have. Please visit us after service at our Welcome Center! Our pastors and hospitality team are here to help with anything you need: text 831-217-7999 or email jessicas@calvary.com to connect with us today.

Bring the Whole Family

We love serving and supporting families and are committed to pouring into the next generation. Calvary Kids is excited to offer kids ministry during our 9am and 11am services for children age 1yr through 6th grade. A Middle School service is offered for 7th & 8th Grade students at 11am.

While we are passionate about these classes as resources to support families, we understand some desire to worship together with their children. To support these families we have several options! Our Family Room is a great option with room for little ones to wiggle and play while the service is streamed on a TV. Families are welcome on our patio, in the Multipurpose Room, and in our Main Sanctuary. We have a section in the back of the Main Sanctuary that families with little ones/babies can choose to sit in for easy exit if they need to tend to their child. For nursing moms, our Mother's Room is available any time located between the Multi-Purpose Room & Community Space.

If you are checking children into our Calvary Kids program, we encourage you to check your kids in through the Church Center App. Simply download the app, select Calvary Monterey as your home church, click the "Check-in" button to check your kids in and bring the QR code to one of our iPads at our check-in counter to print your name labels. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!


Service animals at Calvary Monterey

All persons with disabilities are welcome to church activities with their service animal. Service animals are dogs trained to work or perform tasks related to their handler’s disabilities. Service dogs must remain on leash at all times, are to be well-behaved, and remain with their handler(s) or trusted guardian. If the service dog is a direct threat to the safety of others, is disruptive, interferes with the workplace or educational program, or creates an unsanitary condition, it may be removed. Emotional support, comfort, and therapy animals, or household pets, are not service animals and are not permitted on campus. 

How Can We Help?

What would you like to know about:

If there is something else you need help with, you can text your question to 831-217-7999.Or email info@calvary.com