Jesus Famous
Calvary Monterey longs to see the fame of Christ. By fame, we mean His glory, His renown, or, to borrow from Colossians, His preeminence (Colossians 1:18). We want every man and woman to personally become enraptured by His grace, His forgiveness, and His love. When individual souls come to appreciate the magnitude of Christ, His cross, His gospel, then communities are transformed. When Christ is famous, personally and then collectively, our motivations change, our lives are bettered, and our disappointments diminish. When Jesus is famous, everything changes and He becomes our passion, because His love is better than life.
Our Mission
We believe that God has given our church a threefold mission to move us forward in seeing the vision accomplished. This mission is progressive in the sense that we first Love Jesus together and connect with God in our personal walk with Him. Second, we focus on growing in our lives as believers and disciples of Jesus. The third part of our threefold mission is that we step out and share Him with our local and global neighbors as the natural outpouring of being believers in Jesus. We won’t draw hard lines in these three areas, as it is possible to operate in all three in any given day. However, we order them in this way to highlight the importance of seeking Him first and growing together as being the basis for effective service and proclamation of the Gospel (good news) to the world we live in.

Love Him
When Jesus is famous in us, we love Him. We know Him and He knows us. We are captivated by His grace, His forgiveness, and His love. There are many ways to see God's love in us: at Calvary, we see prime opportunities to express our love for God are through Sunday worship, Calvary Kids Ministry, and Nights of Worship.
Grow in Him
When Jesus is famous among us, we grow in Him. Our motivations change in pursuit of the gospel. His Spirit transforms us into a loving community. We see growth among us when we gather in Life Groups, Growth Groups, Youth Ministry, and Men's/Women's Ministries. We seek spiritual development in Conferences, Training Forums, and Pastor Nate's Through the Bible Series.
Share Him
When Jesus is famous through us, we share Him. Jesus saturates our everyday rhythms and conversations. We are empowered to be on mission, serving those around us. At Calvary, we are sharing Jesus through our Missions & Outreach, Benevolence and Regeneration Recovery ministries.