Since water baptism is a public declaration of new life in Christ, we want baptisms to be a part of our Sunday gatherings so that our church family can witness and celebrate this step in the life of the believer. We regularly host baptisms after the second service on Sundays throughout the year. Here are the dates for 2025:

April 6
May 2
June 1
August 3
October 5
November 2

In Romans 6:3-4 Paul speaks of water baptism in this way:
Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father, we too might walk in newness of life.”
- Romans 6:3-4

If you are ready to take this step in your discipleship to Jesus and celebrate your new life in Christ, please click on the link above to register for the next water baptism. Once you have filled out the baptism form, a pastor will be in touch with you shortly.

Note for parents: It is our practice to wait until a child is at least age 8 before considering him/her for water baptism. We believe that the gospel is simple enough that even a child much younger than 8 can respond with a genuine profession of faith. However, with water baptism (which is a public profession of faith in Jesus), our heart is that a child would be old enough to understand the significance of what they are doing before family, friends, and the rest of the church. While we do make exceptions, 8 years and older is the age that we are most comfortable baptizing a child. Your child will need to fill out an additional Kids Baptism Worksheet. Once you have completed both the baptism form and the worksheet, schedule a meeting with pastor Matt and your child to review the worksheet. You can contact Pastor Matt at