God's Wisdom in a Complex World: It's Worth Trusting (Proverbs 3:1-12)

Title: God's Wisdom in a Complex World: It's Worth Trusting
Speaker: Nate Holdridge
Text: Proverbs 3:1-12

Overview: In this message, Pastor Nate Holdridge teaches from Proverbs 3:1-12, emphasizing the importance of trusting God’s wisdom over our own instincts. He explores the destination, description, and drive of trust, showing how God’s wisdom leads to lasting blessings, even when it feels counterintuitive. Through practical examples and biblical insight, Pastor Nate challenges us to internalize God’s steadfast love and faithfulness so that we can confidently walk in His ways. Whether navigating decisions, finances, or difficulties, this passage calls us to wholehearted trust in the God who is always faithful.

Link to Sermon Notes

Bernhard Klingenberg