jesus conquered sin in order
to redeem humanity


Friday, March 29th
4:00pm & 6:00pm

Sunday, March 31st
7:30am | 9:00am | 11:00am


Jesus exchanged His life for ours.

Jesus didn't go to the cross because He had wronged God. He went to the cross in order to die in our place. The sin that is around us and within us needed to be dealt with through someone's blood being shed, and the perfect Son of God, Jesus, offered His life to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Jesus came to life so that we could come to life.

Jesus died as a sacrifice for sin, and He was buried in order to silence sin once and for all. His resurrection then is the signpost for a new life freed from the bondage on sin. Through faith, God the Father has granted us the gift of life in Jesus. His resurrection power and life is now inside every believer.

Jesus gives His Spirit to anyone who believes.

When He had completed His work here on earth, He ascended back to the throne of God. But before He left, He promised to give His followers the Holy Spirit - The One who would come alongside and empower Jesus' followers to love each other and to make disciples. Now we celebrate Jesus' Gospel!

 Good Friday Services

Worship • Communion • Reflection

4pm & 6pm
Main Sanctuary
Calvary Kids for all services

easter sunday Services

Worship • Gospel Presentation • Egg Hunt

7:30am (Fellowship Hall)
9:00am | 11:00am (Main Sanctuary)
Calvary Kids for 9am & 11am services

  • Good Friday services will be in the Main Sanctuary. Easter Sunday services will be in the Fellowship Hall for 7:30am and in the Main Sanctuary for 9am & 11am!

  • Good Friday will be somber in tone. We'll spend time listening and reflecting on the story where Jesus is betrayed and killed on the cross. On Easter Sunday, we'll be celebrating Jesus' resurrection. We'll hear the Gospel and continue to celebrate.

  • On Good Friday, Calvary Kids will have a special Good Friday curriculum for all kids through 6th grade, for both the 4pm and 6pm services. On Easter Sunday, Calvary kids will have a special Easter curriculum for the kids for both the 9am and 11am services, as well as an Easter egg hunt after both services on the main lawn.

  • Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers are invited to join the congregation for all of the Good Friday and Easter Sunday services. Middle School Sunday services will resume on Sundays beginning the Sunday following Easter.

  • Yes! All Easter Weekend services will be livestreamed to Calvary Monterey's Youtube page.

  • Absolutely! These services provide excellent evangelism opportunities. Our Connect Team is ready to welcome any new people as well.

  • We need volunteers in the Calvary Kids, Parking, and Connect Ministry teams! If you're interested in serving, please fill out this a form.


How Can We Help?

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If there is something else you need help with, you can text your question to 831-217-7999.Or email