Philippians 1 - Having A God level Perspective
Title: Having A God level Perspective
Scripture: Philippians 1
Speaker: Joshua Shively
In chapter 1, Paul tells the Philippian believers: Greetings, Philippians. Timothy and I thank you for your fellowship and pray that you may be filled with the fruits of righteousness. Don’t be concerned about me. My imprisonment has actually helped further the gospel here, and I know that my afflictions will exalt the Lord. Even though you, too, suffer, I want to encourage you, in your conduct, to be worthy of the gospel of the Lord.
Getting God’s big picture, vantage point, on your problems and adversities can help give you a sense of joy and peace. Philippians 1 will challenge you to rejoice in the midst of adversity by seeing God’s perspective. Then like Paul you can rejoice in troubling circumstances.